ARA announces 2016 board of directors

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08 September 2015

The American Rental Association has named its board of directors for 2016. The following members will join the ARA during The Rental Show in 2016:

President-elect: Mark Gilbertson, Fargo RentAll, Fargo

Associate member director: Sam Humphrey, Mi-T-M Corp., Peosta, IA

Region two director: Craig Creamer, ABC Rental Center, Rosedale, MD

Region three director: Peggy DeFrancisco, Taylor Rental, Inverness, FL

Region nine director: Tom Hughes, Hometown Rentals, San Dimas/Pomona, CA

“ARA is fortunate to have dedicated members who volunteer their time to represent their fellow members on the ARA board of directors. We thank all the candidates for their willingness to put forward their name for a board position and thank all ARA members who voted in this election,” said Christine Wehrman, ARA’s CEO and executive vice president.

At The Rental Show 2016, the following officer and directors will complete their terms on the board:

  • Paul Phelon, ARA chairman of the board and president of Timp Rental Center, Orem, UT
  • Tony Sabo, ARA Associate Member director and director of sales-rental for TITAN, Plymouth, MN
  • Jeff Johnstone, ARA Region Two director and owner and president of Party Perfect, Richmond, VA
  • Tony Long, ARA Region Three director and president of Mint Hill Tool Rental, Charlotte, NC
  • Robert Pedersen, ARA Region Nine director and owner of A Tool Shed, Santa Cruz, CA
  • Mark Gilbertson, ARA General Tool & Equipment Services SIG chairman and owner/president of Fargo RentAll, Fargo, ND, who moves to ARA president-elect.
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