Fiere feast

Premium Content

25 April 2008

Set between Intermat in neighbouring France earlier this year and what will be the biggest ever Bauma show next year in Germany, most manufacturers use these shows for their major launches. Domestic manufacturers, in particular, however, were undeterred as the prolific Italian articulating loader crane industry took centre stage at SAIE 2006.

Also returning as part of the biennial cycle were tower cranes and, again, it was the Italian manufacturers dominating the attention of visitors. Many of the products exhibited were shown in Italy for the first time but made their debut at either Intermat in France or the IAA Show in Germany. A close look among the bustling stalls, however, revealed a healthy number of brand new products.

The opinion among some of the Italian manufacturers was that the current worldwide crane shortage has given them an opportunity to export more machines to buyers who would have not necessarily otherwise bought their products.

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