IPAF council to consider extra training for big AWPs
12 July 2013
The first meeting of a working group created by the IPAF UK Country Council to consider whether additional training should be recommended or required of operators of very large booms and scissors was held on 26 June at Vertikal Days.
The working group was set up on 21 May to look at whether additional guidance is needed and should be developed for the use of large and more complex aerial work platforms (AWPs). The group was tasked to examine this subject in detail and bring proposals to the next meeting. One of the tasks will be to define the scope of what is meant by large AWPs.
IPAF technical officer Chris Wraith thanked the members of the working group for their active involvement. Companies with relevant experience of the issues involved in manufacturing, marketing, hiring and operating large booms and scissors are invited to share their input by contacting Mr Wraith at chris.wraith@ipaf.org
The findings and recommendations of the working group will be reviewed by the next full meeting of the IPAF UK Country Council which will take place on 19 September, 2013. Meeting details will be posted at www.ipaf.org/events