Tracking device
11 April 2008
Enigma vehicle systems, based in the UK, introduced the new Skyline GPS advanced tracking and security system earlier this year.
The company claims the system is the first of its type to combine tracking and recovery of vehicles and construction equipment with a full telematics capability.
Chief executive, Ian Keam-George, said, “Stolen vehicle and plant tracking systems, using GPS, are not new, but the application of Skyline is. One of the unique aspects of the Skyline system is that it was developed with security as the principal requirement – it is the first combined stolen vehicle recovery system that also provides information to both the user and the location responsible for the asset.”
He added each vehicle or piece of plant remains in contact with the server 24/7 so status is available to Enigma users at all times; additionally they can request positions, add zones around equipment and vehicles (for additional theft protection) and monitor hours used (per rental or accumulatively). Access to the system is via dedicated client software, internet browser, PDA or text only requests from a mobile phone.
Mr Keam-George said, “At the heart of the Skyline system is the in-plant or in-vehicle hardware, the Skyline X1 module. This is a small device containing a circuit board, a quad-band GSM/GPRS modem, a high sensitivity GPS receiver to improve reception where it is poor and battery back-up, all housed in a compact weatherproof housing. Its size lends itself perfectly to covert installation.”