Don't be a Ladder Lightweight
17 May 2010
The UK's Ladder Association's new 40-page code of practice has been completely revised and updated, it contains a wealth of information for ladders users and employers alike. Timed to coincide with the launch of the association's 'Don't be a ladder lightweight' campaign promoting training, the code covers everything from the Work at Height Regulations and managing risk, to ladder selection, safe use and inspection.
Intended to encourage safety and best practice amongst the UK's estimated two million ladder users, the code contains a foreword from HSE welcoming the Ladder Association's contribution to helping minimise and avoid falls from height. Complete with a risk assessment template covering planning, setting up the job, carrying out the task and inspecting and maintaining ladders, the code offers easy-to-follow, practical advice in five distinct sections for use on site and as a reference in the office.
While the document may be used as a stand-alone reference, it is not intended to replace professional ladder training. Ladder Association chairman, Chris Ball said, "This is a supplementary resource which should serve as a useful reminder to all those delegates who have attended Ladder Association training courses."
Available now, and costing just £5 including postage, the code can be found at
The Ladder Lightweight Campaign runs until the end of June, the campaign sets out to combat the over-confident and often-dangerous mentality of ladder users who rely solely on learning on the job. Training is the key to improving ladder safety and best practice in the workplace and is a significant factor in helping to ensure that ladder users and their managers and supervisors are competent as required by the Work at Height Regulations.