Big names at Europlatform
20 March 2008
The three will take part in amanufacturer panel session, givingtheir views on the prospects for theaccess market in Europe over thenext five years. They will focus on theself–propelled market, truck mountedplatforms and mast climbers andhoists.
The conference, which is being jointlyorganized by Access International and lthe International Powered AccessFederation (IPAF), takes place inBasel, Switzerland, on 11 September2007, and is aimed at managers, directors and owners of access rentalcompanies in Europe.
Ticket prices will be around 200for places booked more than twomonths in advance. For moreinformation about the conference andsponsorship opportunities contactIPAF's Basel office (+41 61 2254407 or MurrayPollok, AI Editor (+44 1505 850 043 See also