CECE calls for standard tower crane licence
13 June 2013
The Committee of European Construction Equipment (CECE) is calling for Europe-wide minimum training requirements for people who operate and maintain tower cranes.
The organisation, which represents and promotes the European construction equipment industry, has been working with European tower crane manufacturers. It has summarised the industry’s recommendation for a standard European Tower Cranes’ Fitters Licence, and for a standard European Tower Cranes’ Drivers Licence, respectively.
“Our goal is to increase safety on construction sites – Europe-wide. This is why we need harmonised training of crane fitters and crane drivers”, said Peter Schiefer, Wolffkran CEO and head of a section of CECE co-ordinating the interests of European tower crane manufacturers.
As explained in a statement released by CECE, the call for a minimum standard of training throughout Europe has been highlighted because the level of training and skills required from construction companies differs throughout Europe. The organisation believes that training should provide crane drivers and crane fitters with knowledge and skills to drive and fit tower cranes independently and safely.
Such a Europe-wide minimum training requirement has been identified and highly recommended by manufacturers, CECE said. “Our goal is to establish a European certificate that workers have to obtain which entitles them to take up duties as a qualified tower crane driver or fitter,” CECE said.
As stated by CECE, “European tower crane manufacturers are calling for minimum requirements for training, followed by a final written and practical test for tower crane drivers. Minimum contents of tower crane driver training should include knowledge about national rules and regulations, general safety obligations, crane operating techniques, rigging and load carrying gear, understanding of load diagrams, stability and accident prevention as well as practical exercises driving an operational sequence.
“The aim of harmonisation in the training should likewise include the definition of recognised testing facilities which should have qualified assessors, presence on site of at least two types of tower cranes and dedicated areas where the exercises can be appropriately carried out.”
Similar recommendations for harmonised requirements have been made for fitters of tower cranes. As said by the CECE, “The trainings should include explanation of the modularity of a tower crane, placement and levelling, correct adjustment and safety devices, stability conditions in service an out of service during erection and dismantling a crane and basic knowledge of electrics.”
A full document detailing the recommendations can be downloaded from the CECE website www.cece.eu