Centrum piles to 5 million metres
06 June 2008
On 13 May the company cast its 5 millionth linear metre of pre-cast concrete pile after almost 15 years at the Newark facility.
Commenting on the achievement, Centrum Pile general manager John Ward, said, "This is a major achievement for our dedicated team since we first started production here in 1993 and is an indication of the growth and performance of Centrum during this time.
"To put our growth into perspective it took 5 years and 6 months to cast the first million, 3 years and 4 months to cast the second million, 2 years and 1 month to cast the third million, 2 years and 1 week to cast the fourth million and finally 1 year, 10 months and two weeks to cast the fifth million," said Mr Ward.
Centrum will soon have the added capacity to further boost its performance as the company is constructing a major extension at its pre-cast concrete pile manufacturing plant.
Commissioned by parent company Aarself Piling, the new factory extension is part of a UK£ 6,7 million (€ 8,4 million) expansion of Centrum and Aarsleff's operations Newark, which also includes an expansion of Aarsleff's offices.
The Centrum extension will house a new pre-cast concrete pile-casting hall, incorporating the latest automated production techniques. The new plant, which is expected to be in full production later this year, will boost Centrum's capacity by +80% to a maximum of 30000 linear metres/week to fulfil future requirements.