Construction Europe podcast Dec 2015/Jan 2016 (audio)
16 December 2015
In the December 2015/January 2016 podcast from Construction Europe: Euroconstruct predicts construction growth; shorter hours save JCB jobs; NCC ordered to pay €9.1million by Supreme Court of Norway; UK promises extra funds for capital investments; Baltic States are on the rise.
Also from the latest issue of Construction Europe, the business news, EFCA explains how cities must continue their drive towards sustainability, and a report from the UK’s Construction Plant-hire Association. Building information modelling (BIM) was the subject of Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure conference, and the Concrete Initiative is looking to boost jobs in Europe.
The podcast is introduced by Sandy Guthrie, editor of Construction Europe, and Joe Malone, deputy editor. It is available from the KHL podcast page at It can also be downloaded from iTunes, by searching for KHL Group, or going to