Demolition Awards deadlline extended
12 May 2009
The closing date for entries for the Demolition Awards, organised by D&Ri and supported by the EDA, has been extended to 31 July, 2009. The Awards are open to all companies involved in the demolition industry around the world. Individual companies can enter as many categories as they feel are relevant to their activities and there is no charge for entry.
The Innovation Award, open to manufacturers and equipment suppliers has also been modified to now offer two awards - one for series-produced products aimed at a mass market and a second for custom-produced products developed in response to a specific individual customer request.
The Awards event, being held in Amsterdam in the evening of Friday 6 November, now forms part of the Demolition Summit, a full day event that consists of a top quality technical conference organised jointly by D&Ri and the EDA that is open to all, whether EDA members or not. The Summit opens on the evening of Thursday 5 November with a cocktail reception hosted by the EDA that is also open to all delegates attending the event.