ERA’s promotion committee talks talent
20 September 2017
The European Rental Association (ERA) held its latest meeting with its promotion committee last week, discussing its latest workshop outcome.
The meeting was held at the ERA’s office on 12 September, with the new chairman of the committee, Pierre-Yves Rallet, marketing and sales director at Loxam, in attendance.
The committee discussed the outcomes of the promotion workshop which took place at the last ERA Convention in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in May. The two questions posed in the workshop were: ‘Reaching and retaining new generations: which new methods of communicating to people will you bring to rental?’ As well as ‘How can we change the image of the rental industry to be more attractive?’.
The committee also began working on its first draft of the 2018 Convention, which will be held in Vienna, on 23 and 24 May.
Last but not least, the basis of a study aiming at improving the TCO Calculator,, adding a comparison with leasing, was presented to and discussed by the committee.
So far, the TCO calculator determines what the real cost of owning and operating equipment is and gives the possibility to the user to compare to the cost of rental. A comparison with leasing aims to help the user to make a better decision, having all the parameters on one tool.
The promotion committee is open to every member of ERA. If you are interested in joining or if you wish to receive more information on the works of the committee, please do not hesitate to contact the ERA secretariat, at