Extra content in IRN July/August
08 August 2016
If you read International Rental News on a tablet device, did you know you can access extra digital content including images, audio and videos?
The July/August 2016 issue of International Rental News (IRN) is now available – subscribers will receive the print issue in the post, while the digital issue can be downloaded by registered users on www.khl.com.
The tablet edition for iPads and other devices can be downloaded from the Apple App store (iTunes) or the Google Play Store (Google Play) by searching for “International Rental News.
Extra digital content in the July/August issue included videos in the gensets feature (which starts on page 17) and rental software feature (starting on page 36) – look out for ‘play buttons’ over images in the features to find the videos.
The Hewden depot visit and sustainability report on page 13 also contains an extra video - again please click on the play button on the main image, while subscribers can also listen to the audio podcast that accompanies the issue by clicking on the play button on the third news page (page 8).
If you have news that you think would be relevant to IRN, please also consider supplying extra images and videos. Contact editor Helen Wright for more information (helen.wright@khl.com).