Follow the IRE show on Twitter!
31 May 2011
For those of you who use Twitter, you can now link to a dedicated IRE show Twitter feed, which will bring the latest news on the show direct to your Twitter account.
And, during the event, you'll also get up to the second Tweets from the show floor itself.
You will find IRE's Twitter feed at the following address: @IREshow and the hash tag for the show is #IREShow. The hash tag allows you to see what others are Tweeting about the show and to add your own Tweets too.
KHL journalists at the event will be tweeting comments, quotes, photos and interesting facts during the show.
In addition to the Twitter feed, IRN will be producing two e-newsletters from the show on the Wednesday and the Thursday and will be regularly updating its website with breaking news stories.
Sign up for the show e-newsltters here
Visit the IRE Show 2011 website here