IPAF’s TPWG names new chairman
14 September 2009
Luca Allegro, technical manager of Alimak Hek Italy, has been named chairman of the Transport Platform Working Group (TPWG). TPWG is a part of the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF).
"I'm very thankful to the group members for my election," Allegro said. "I will aim to do justice to their confidence by helping the TPWG accomplish the challenging task started by my predecessor Ernst van Hek."
van Hek was the former managing director of Alimak Hek Manufacturing and resigned due to personal reasons. TPWG was led by van Hek since it was founded in 2007 and its main goal is to increase safety in the use of transport platforms. TPWG is comprised of a group of rack and pinion elevation system specialists from around Europe. The group is currently lobbying for the development of a European design and use standard.
Allegro has convened a meeting of the TPWG for Sept. 18. Comments or questions can be sent to Romina Vanzi for IPAF-España, at mcwp@ipaf.org.