Israel ups recycling effort

18 June 2008

Out of a total of 3.5 million tones of C&D waste understood to be produced annually in Israel, in 2007 recycling operations across the country succeeded in processing 700,000 tonnes, around 20%, but up from a figure of 300,000 tonnes (10%) in 2006. Of the 700,000 tonnes, 500,000 tonnes was returned for re-use as raw material.

The data, supplied by Israel’s Solid Waste Management Division of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, is based on returns from Israeli recycling plants.

Of the total amount of waste, it is understood that 1.4 million tonnes was dealt with by landfill, giving a total of 2.1 million being dealt with by authorised waste sites. This therefore leaves 1.4 million tonnes not being reported as being officially processed.

In a statement, Environmental Protection Minister Gideon Ezra: “The Environmental Protection Ministry’s policy on C&D waste is designated, among others, to bring about a gradual reduction in the quantity of waste which is generated and transferred to landfills at the end of the process. Additionally, the recycling of C&D waste volumes and saving on resources (land and mining materials) and therefore constitutes a sustainable action."

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