Lindig bridges the gap
08 August 2014
A furniture store in Oberdorla, Germany, rented a Teupen Leo 23GT tracked platform from Lindig Conveyor to carry out painting work.
There were only a few inches clearance through the entrance to the furniture store, said Knut Berger Kreutz, Lindig customer consultant and operator. "We used a small ramp built of special plates so we could go relatively flat over the threshold.”
The Leo had 23GT to negotiate a crossing over the atrium on the second floor of the Jaeger store on its way up to the ceiling.
“This was a crucial point for the selection of the platform,” explained Mr Berger Kreutz. “The lower boom of the LEO 23GT could be extended to approximately 12 ft so that the upper mast could bridge the crossing.” It meant the painter could reach all parts of the balconies and the bridge.
The platform was also used to check the smoke and fire alarm system on the ceiling and change lights. With a working height of 23 m and an outreach of over 11 m, this was no problem and the platform only had to change its location a few times.
All work took place during the opening hours of the store. Therefore, the choice of an emission-free and noiseless electric motor was important. Non-slip mats and plates under the supports of the 3 tonne platform helped prevent damage to the floor in the showroom.
Lindig is an AVS System Lift partner. System Lift has more than 65 partner companies and over 75 rental locations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It includes about 9100 AWP units.