Loxam moves to one brand in France

05 September 2013

In January 2014 Loxam will move to a single brand in France and ‘relaunch’ as Loxam Rental. The move will see the disappearance of its alternative brands, including Laho Equipement, Loueurs de France BTP and Locarest, all obtained through past acquisitions.

Loxam said the pooling of resources will allow it to “strengthen its sales team, relaunch the network and further expand the range of equipment on offer with a view to catering to both professional and individual needs.”

The company said the ultimate aim of the decision was to “strengthen our local presence and quality of services available to customers, thereby improving efficiency”. It said the consolidation of the network would “assert its position as France's number one rental equipment provider.”

The company will maintain is specialist equipment divisions covering products such as aerial platforms, power and events.

Loxam will pool all of its Loxam, Laho Equipement, Loueurs de France and Locarest managerial expertise and bring together all of its teams under one brand.

Work on the new structure has already begun, with the aim of operating “one network, one colour, one brand” from January 2014 onwards.

Founded in 1967, Loxam reported revenues of €828 million in 2012 and operates 598 branches in 11 countries. France represents more than 80% of its revenues.

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