Meet and learn

25 April 2008

SC&RA has earned a reputation among other associations and its membership for being efficient. Certainly, we benefit from a dedicated staff, but we also enjoy a significant advantage over many other associations – a highly involved membership that participates in the direction of our programs and services.

The SC&RA Committee Directory lists 28 committees, boards, task forces, and councils. The next article in this magazine includes a brief description of these groups. As that article indicates, these groups closely monitor many issues of considerable interest to members. Often, committee members spot the germination of areas of concern, recommend action and follow up to prevent the emergence of major problems.

Some of these groups have a single, unchanging purpose. Others evolve to take on new challenges. Still others, particularly task forces, accomplish their intended purposes and disband.

At any time, approximately 300 representatives from member companies serve on SC&RA working groups. Some representatives serve on a number of groups. There truly is something for every member. Year after year members tell us that the ability to interact with others in the industry is one of the most important benefits of SC&RA membership. By becoming involved with a committee, you can turbocharge your networking efforts. Committees enable you to be involved with others who share your specific interests and areas of expertise. Frequently, cooperative efforts on committees lead to major advances on industry issues, rewarding business and the establishment of valuable professional and personal relationships.

As a committee member, you may gain access to significant information about important issues before many of your competitors. Your participation also puts you in a position to have a positive impact on your entire industry in a manner that would have been virtually impossible to accomplish alone. You can learn from some of the best minds in the business when you serve on these groups. Of course, many of these experts have sharpened their knowledge and leadership skills through active participation in SC&RA committees. And that helps strengthen their companies.

As they help the association and the industry it serves, they also gain recognition for both themselves and their companies. Spending just a few hours each year in work for a committee can result in invaluable goodwill.

The best way to get started is to sample a few meetings of committees that interest you. If you like what you see and hear, attend another meeting of that group.

SC&RA takes attendance at meetings, so your interest will be noted. If you decide you would like to participate in a group as a member, mention your interest to the chairperson or the staff member assigned to the group. Generally, the process of becoming a committee member takes about a year and a half.

During the next few months, SC&RA will offer members several opportunities to attend committee meetings. Twenty-one committees will gather for the SC&RA January Board & Committee Meetings, 3-6 January, in Key Largo, Florida US. With a few exceptions, all attendees will be welcome at each of these meetings.

The Specialized Transportation Symposium, 8-10 March, at Disney’s Coronado Springs, Orlando, Florida, promises to be particularly exciting because SC&RA will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the event. In addition to committee meetings geared toward the Transportation Group, the symposium features interaction between members and state, regional and federal transportation officials.

The Annual Conference, 10-14 April, Westin La Cantera, San Antonio, Texas, is our most comprehensive event. It is especially popular with our members, who attend committee meetings and educational sessions, participate in the Job of the Year Competitions, and join in for golf, tennis and other professional and social events.

Still another major meeting is the Crane & Rigging Workshop, 20-22 September, The Westin Crown Center, Kansas City, Missouri. As always, related committees will meet during the workshop to advance the industry.

To find out more about these meetings, go to and click on the Event/Registration tab at the top of the homepage. We hope to see you at the upcoming conferences and committee meetings.

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