Morgan Sindall to add AI to carbon calculator

Morgan Sindall Construction has been granted £1 million from Innovate UK to improve its CarboniCa tool for measuring whole-life carbon.

school project uses carbon calculator School project in the UK is one of the 100+ projects where CarboniCa has already been used and made a difference (Photo: Morgan Sindall)

The company says that CarboniCa has already been used in over 100 projects across the UK.

To enhance and expedite the process of creating whole-life carbon assessments, Morgan Sindall Construction is collaborating with Nottingham Trent University and software company ConstructSys to develop algorithms that automate data collection and evaluation.

By leveraging AI-based technology, the new system will be able to accelerate the process of creating WLCAs by up to 85%. Morgan Sindall Construction estimates that the tool has saved more than 30,000 tonnes of carbon to date.

Tim Clement, director of social value & sustainability at Morgan Sindall Construction, said, “We started working on the research and development phase of CarboniCa back in 2017 and the Innovate UK funding award recognises the enormous potential for further development of the tool we have already in service and helping reduce carbon in a transparent, credible way.

“Innovation in this area has much to contribute in terms of increasing confidence in decision-making around sustainability, something that can only happen with credible data outputs being made more readily available.”

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