Rank Table

Premium Content

25 April 2008

2006 Rank2005 RankCompanyBasedDepotsEmployeesOperationSenior contact & titleWeb siteMobilesCrawlersLarget craneCapacity (tonnes)IC Index 
1 4 Lampson International USA 6 275 Worldwide Bryan Pepin-Donat, Director www.lampsoncrane.com 77 336 LTL-2600 2,800 1,038,007  
2 2 Mammoet Netherlands 47 1,800 Worldwide Roderik van Seumeren, President and CEO www.mammoet.com 535 207 MSG 100 4,400 948,296  
3 1 Maxim Crane Works USA 38 2,174 National Art Innamorato, CEO www.maximcrane.com 1,987 205 Terex-Demag CC 2800 600 554,400 *
4 3 All Erection ˆ Crane Rental USA 24 1,150 Continental Michael Liptak, President www.allcrane.com 1,737 300 Manitowoc 21000 907 463,421 *
5 5 Essex Crane Rental USA 8 125 Worldwide Ron Schad, President www.essexcrane.com 6 427 Manitowoc 888 Ringer 600 411,000  
6 6 Sarens Belgium 41 1,448 Worldwide Ludo Sarens, CEO www.sarens.com 636 175 Demag PC 9600 2,000 305,922  
7 10 Hovago Cranes Netherlands 10 360 Worldwide Doron Livnat, President and CEO www.hovago.com 285 53 Manitowoc 1200 Ringer 1,200 244,127  
8 7 Group Mediaco Lifting France 40 1,700 Worldwide Christian-Jacques Vernazza, President www.mediaco.fr 535 64 Demag AC 800 800 189,645  
9 8 TAT Hong Holdings Singapore 18 600 Worldwide Michael Ng, Senior vice president www.tathong.com 206 418 Demag CC 2000 RL 800 173,520  
10 11 AmQuip Corporation USA 12 580 Worldwide Joseph Wesley, Owner www.amquip.com 585 87 Manitowoc 2250 Max-er 450 161,925  
11 21 Tiong Woon Crane and Transport Singapore 1 300 Asia, Middle East Daniel Ong, Corporate development manager www.tiongwoon.com 79 88 Terex-Demag CC 8800 1,250 145,100  
12 36 Sarilar Heavy Lift ˆ Transport Turkey 5 410 Worldwide Ayla Gurbuz, Executive member www.sarilar.com 147 22 Liebherr LR 1800 800 138,836  
13 9 MIC Corporation Japan 10 616 National Eikichi Oyama, President www.micjp.com 200 157 Terex-Demag CC 8800 1,250 130,638  
14 12 Prangl Austria 9 487 Continental Christian Prangl, Managing director www.prangl.at 246 1 Terex-Demag TC 2800 600 121,980  
15 18 Sanghvi Movers India 15 950 National CP Sanghvi, Managing director www.sanghvicranes.com 208 56 Terex-Demag CC 2800-1 600 121,320  
16 16 Sterling Crane Canada 18 600 Continental David Snyder, President www.sterlingcrane.ca 400 40 Terex-Demag CC 8800 1,250 119,835 *
17 27 Barnhart Crane ˆ Rigging USA 16 400 Continental Alan Barnhart, President www.barnhartcrane.com 130 11 Demag CC 4000 2L 1,600 112,595  
18 n/a Al Jaber Heavy Lift and Transport UAE 2 582 Worldwide Alex Mullins, General manager www.aljaber.com 188 96 Demag CC 8800 1,250 110,400  
19 22 Weldex Scotland 4 130 Worldwide Iain McGilvray, Director www.weldex.co.uk 0 110 Liebherr LR 1750 750 102,950  
20 13 Schmidbauer Germany 17 500 Continental Werner Schmidbauer, Managing director www.schmidbauer.de 350 4 Gottwald AK 850/1100 1,100 102,000  
21 14 Uchimiya Transportation ˆ Engineering Japan 7 320 National Masatoshi Uchimiya, Managing director www.uchimiya.co.jp 106 70 Kobelco SL13000 800 100,569  
22 40 Havator Group Finland 16 315 Nordic, Baltic Erkki Hanhirova, Managing director www.havator.com 243 19 Demag CC 2800 600 98,008 *
23 17 Ainscough Crane Hire UK 25 986 National Martin Ainscough, Managing director www.ainscough.co.uk 440 1 Liebherr LTM 11000DS 1,000 81,819  
24 26 Deep South Crane ˆ Rigging Company USA 4 200 National Mitch Landry, Vice president www.deepsouthcrane.com 110 2 TC-36000 Versacrane 2,268 73,718  
25 15 M D Moody ˆ Sons USA 4 120 Continental Max Moody, CEO www.mdmoody.com 100 125 American 11320 408 72,122  
26 19 CST Consorzio Sollevamenti Trasporti Italy 30 487 Continental Ferruccio Musselli, President www.musselli.it 300 0 Demag AC 800 800 71,109 *
27 20 Guay Canada 12 450 Continental Jean-Marc Baronet, President www.gruesguay.com 377 16 Demag TC 4000 880 67,116  
28 28 Felbermayr Transport und Hebetechnik Austria 15 1,300 Europe Markus Lackner, Marketing www.felbermayr.at 206 5 Liebherr LR 1750 with opt eqp 1,000 66,240  
29 n/a Boom Logistics Australia 21 500 National Roderick Harman, CEO www.boomlogistics.com.au 420 0 Liebherr LTM 1400 400 58,777 *
30 23 Laramie Enterprises USA 1 110 Continental Pat Henry, VP general manager www.laramiecrane.com 214 27 Demag AC 1200 450 58,713  
31 n/a J.F. Lomma USA 6 300 North Eastern US James Lomma, President www.jflommainc.com 216 46 Demag AC 1600 luffer 500 58,593  
32 31 Bigge Crane and Rigging USA 6 200 Worldwide Weston Settlemier, President www.bigge.com 204 27 Liebherr LR 1800 800 58,106  
33 25 Bragg Crane Service USA 12 435 Continental George Bragg, President and CEO www.braggcrane.com 261 21 Manitowoc 1200 Ringer 1,300 54,021 *
34 n/a Sims Crane ˆ Equipment USA 7 320 Local Steve Stodghill, President www.simscrane.com 203 37 Grove GMK7550 450 51,468  
35 30 Franz Bracht Kran-Vermietung Germany 10 330 Continental Dirk Bracht, Managing director www.bracht-autokrane.de 143 7 Liebherr LR 1750 750 49,815  
36 24 Crane Rental Corporation USA 2 88 National Alan Ashlock, President www.cranerental.com 39 40 Grove GMK7550 450 48,723  
37 n/a W.O. Grubb Crane Rental ˆ Steel Erection USA 5 375 National Michelle Grubb, Equipment manager www.wogrubb.com 172 30 Grove GMK7550 Mega Wing Lift 450 47,429  
38 32 BMS Denmark 10 350 Worldwide Søren Jansen, Managing director www.bms.dk 172 10 Grove GMK7450 450 45,881  
39 43 Yonehara Shoji Japan 23 600 National Sadaji Kato, Public relations manager www.yonehara.co.jp 380 50 Tadano AR 4000M 400 45,033  
40 50 ABG Heavy Industries India 29 1,325 National Saket Agarwal, Managing director n/a 75 50 Demag CC 12000 1,200 43,290  
41 39 Buckner HeavyLift Cranes USA 1 400 Continental Doug Williams, President www.bucknercompanies.com 23 42 Liebherr LR 1750 750 41,952  
42 49 Kranen Michielsens Belgium 9 350 Continental Yvon Michielsens, CEO www.michielsens.be 210 3 Demag AC 700 700 38,493  
43 29 S G Marino Crane Service USA 2 105 Worldwide Carl Marino, President www.marinocrane.com 52 32 Terex-Demag CC 2800 600 37,890  
44 34 Imperial Crane Services USA 6 200 National B J Bohne, President www.imperialcrane.com 160 20 Liebherr LTM 1400 400 37,610  
45 33 BˆG Crane Service USA 2 225 National Xavier Grilletta, CEO www.bgcrane.com 87 25 Liebherr LR 1800 800 37,548  
46 34 Canibano Spain 6 280 Worldwide Angel Canibano, President www.canibano.com 73 5 Terex-Demag CC 4800 800 37,500 *
47 n/a Kelley Equipment Company of Florida USA 2 110 Continental Robert Steiner, President www.kelleyequipment.com 126 57 Manitowoc 2250 Max-er 450 37,479  
48 38 AVS Services USA 1 30 Continental Hans van Brekelen, President www.avs-services.com 1 19 Manitowoc 21000 907 36,111 *
49 n/a Ray Anthony International USA 3 100 National Ray Anthony, President www.rayanthonyintl.com 122 26 Demag AC 1600 500 36,042 *
50 37 Hewden UK 12 355 National Mark Whiteley, Head of cranes www.hewden.co.uk 255 0 Demag AC 300 300 36,027  
51 42 Avi Cranes Israel 3 240 National Avi Yochanan, President and owner www.avi-cranes.co.il 79 8 Leibherr LR 1650 800 35,130  
52 53 Irving Equipment Canada 9 184 Continental Kyle Jardine, Divisional general manager www.irvingequipment.com 93 14 Manitowoc 4600 Ringer 600 34,304  
53 41 Sterett Crane ˆ Rigging USA 5 75 National Tres Sterett, Vice president www.sterettcrane.com 104 22 Liebherr LTM 1300/1 300 33,135  
54 47 Foselev France 25 380 Continental Henri Briere, President www.foselev.com 192 1 Liebherr LTM 1300/1 300 32,310  
55 45 Big Crane and Equipment Rentals Thailand 2 373 National Ananya Chatjuthamard, General manager www.bigcrane.co.th 233 42 PˆH 5300 300 30,405 *
56 46 Breuer ˆ Wasel Germany 5 280 Continental Thomas Wasel, General manager www.breuer-wasel.de 96 2 Liebherr LR 1750 750 30,342 *
57 n/a Dielco Crane Service USA 1 135 Regional Richard Dieleman, President www.dielcocrane.com 58 18 Liebherr LR 1600/1 + extras 600 29,516  
58 44 Nichols Construction USA 5 296 Regional Dave Luave, President www.turner-industries.com 162 6 Demag TC 4000 800 28,536 *
59 59 Kynningsrud Kran Norway 9 185 Continental Harald Kynningsrud, Chairman www.kynningsrud.com 110 5 Demag AC 500-1 500 27,920  
60 60 United Crane Rentals USA 2 76 National Timothy Shinn, President n/a 40 8 AC 500-1 SSL 500 24,964  
61 48 Groupe Sogecofa France 28 400 National Christine www.sogecofa.com 135 0 Demag AC 500 500 24,855  
62 51 Wagenborg Nedlift Netherlands 10 350 Continental AG Klyn, General director www.wagenborg.com 121 0 Demag AC 500 500 24,561 *
63 52 Nostokonepalvelu Finland 11 140 Continental Toivo Nieminen, Director www.nkp-group.com 100 11 Demag CC 2500 450 24,450 *
64 65 Dufour Transports Manutentions Belgium 3 300 Continental Olivier Dufour, CEO www.dufour.be 70 10 Demag AC 700 700 24,000  
65 54 Johnson Crane Hire South Africa 15 317 Continental Martin Bekker, Managing director www.jch.co.za 156 1 Liebherr LTM 1500 500 23,574 *
66 55 Riga Mainz Germany 3 157 Continental Uwe Langer, Managing director www.riga-eisele.de 63 2 Liebherr LR 1750 750 23,550 *
67 57 Chunjo Construction Korea 6 88 Worldwide Changhwan Jang, President www.chunjo.com 45 20 Manitowoc 18000 750 21,795 *
68 56 Irga Lupercio Torres Brazil 5 450 Continental Leopoldo Torres, Operations director www.irga.com.br 40 7 Terex-Demag CC 2800 600 21,057  
69 58 Van de Weghe Belgium 6 380 National Roger van de Weghe, Managing director www.vandeweghe.be 95 0 Demag AC 650 650 20,850 *
70 62 Vernazza Autogru Italy 8 130 Europe Diego Vernazza, Administrator www.vernazzautogru.it 73 n/a Terex-Demag AC 800 800 16,422  
71 69 Makro Engenharia Brazil 5 350 National David Rodrigues, Commercial director www.makroengenharia.com.br 85 0 Liebherr LTM 1500 500 16,240  
72 n/a Agiris Turkey 2 60 Worldwide Genco Serin, Marketing manager n/a 17 3 Demag TC 2000 SL 400 15,853  
73 63 Mammoet Fostrans France 2 40 National Jean-Yves Gomila, Managing director www.mammoetfostrans.com 0 n/a Fostrans KR 11000 1,000 15,000  
74 68 Elliott Cranes Inc USA 2 50 National Cecil Elliott, President and CEO www.elliottcranes.com 53 7 Liebherr LTM 1300/1 300 14,893  
75 75 Toggenburger ˆ Co Switzerland 4 55 National Werner Widmer, Managing director www.toggenburger.ch 22 2 Terex-Demag CC 2500-1 500 14,178  
76 64 Nationwide Crane Hire UK 1 57 National David Slack, Managing director www.crane-services.co.uk 34 0 Liebherr LTM 1500-8.1 500 13,955  
77 66 Tamco Iran 7 241 Continental Habib Ali Taghizadeh, Managing director www.tamco-ir.com 61 11 American 9310 300 13,485 *
78 67 Brandt Kran und Logistik Germany 7 96 Worldwide Andreas Malischewski, CEO www.btb-logistik.de 65 0 Liebherr LTM 1500 500 13,299 *
79 79 Kraanbedryf Nederhoff Netherlands 2 95 National R Nederhoff, Director www.nederhoff.nl 52 7 Demag AC 650 650 11,220  
80 61 Convoi Europe Netherlands 7 400 Continental Leo Spronken, CEO www.convoi.com 70 1 Demag AC 500 500 11,160  
81 74 J J Curran Crane USA 1 28 Mid-Western US Jeff Curran, Vice president www.jjcurran.com 50 0 Krupp KMK 8500 500 10842  
82 71 Scholpp Kran ˆ Transport Germany 64 120 National Ralf Schramm, Manager www.scholpp.de 38 0 Demag AC 650 650 10,200 *
83 72 Cooperativa Autotrasportatori Fiorentini Italy 6 240 National Daniele Innesti, President www.soluzioniper.it 40 13 Demag AC 400 400 10,161 *
84 70 AGD Equipment UK 1 70 Worldwide Robert Law, Managing director www.agd-equipment.co.uk 0 94 IHI CCH 1200 120 10,155  
85 73 Marwijk Kraanverhuur Netherlands 1 40 Local M van Marwijk, Director www.vanmarwijkkraanverhuur.nl 20 14 Liebherr LR 1500 500 9,891 *
86 n/a Capital City Crane Rental USA 2 60 Regional Chet Gibson, Owner www.capitalcitycrane.com 38 9 Liebherr LTM 1250/1 250 9,210  
87 76 Burger Crane Chile Chile 1 80 National Raul Burger, CEO www.burgergruas.com 35 0 Liebherr LTM 1500 500 8,709  
88 n/a Ness Cranes USA 1 57 Regional Kurt Kleppe, Vice president www.nesscranes.com 33 0 Grove GMK7550 luffer 450 8,453  
89 81 Sheedy Drayage USA 5 175 Worldwide Thomas Hart, Business device. manager www.sheedycrane.com 32 3 Grove GMK6350 350 8,309  
90 77 Marsh Plant Hire UK 7 145 Regional Geoffrey Marsh, Chairman www.marshhire.com 75 0 Liebherr LTM 1100-5.1 + extra equipment 120 8,037  
91 80 King Lifting UK 6 138 Continental Bob Floyd, General manager www.kinglifting.co.uk 71 0 GMK6220L 220 7,785  
92 n/a Clark Rigging ˆ Rental USA 2 75 Regional David Clark, Vice president www.clarkrigging.com 40 0 Demag AC 400 superlift 400 7,620  
93 n/a Conmaco USA 4 40 Regional Ralph Ross, COO www.conmaco.com 10 24 Manitowoc 4000 160 7,599  
94 78 Bryn Thomas Crane Hire UK 4 56 National Dylan Thomas, Operations director www.brynthomascranes.com 30 2 Grove GMK7450 450 6,069  
95 83 MSD Cranes UK 3 75 National Mark Mates, Director www.msdcranes.com 40 0 Demag AC 200-1 200 6,060  
96 82 NMT Crane Hire UK 2 37 National Mark Ambridge, Managing director www.nmtcranes.co.uk 28 0 Demag AC 350 350 5,950  
97 n/a Salerno SCS Panama 1 40 National Omar Salerno, President www.salernocranes.com 24 1 Gottwald AMK 200 920 5,876  
98 n/a JPW Riggers ˆ Erectors USA 2 100 National Dave Schwalm, Executive vice president www.jpwriggers.com 18 2 Manitowoc 16000 Max-er 400 5,797  
99 84 Amherst Crane Rentals Canada 3 n/a n/a Valerie Brennan-Burke, Vice president www.amherstcrane.com 34 0 Liebherr LTM 1250/1 250 4,233 *
100 85 Testa Corp USA 1 120 National John Ruffo, Vice president www.testacorp.com 4 2 Grove GMK7550 450 3,862  
  n/a Alfred Klug Germany 7 160 National Christa Gluck, Owner, Managing director www.auto-klug.de 35 0 Terex-Demag AC 500-1 500 2,650  
Companies are listed by their IC Index, which is calculated by adding together the total maximum load moment in tonne metres of all crawler cranes and mobile cranes in a company's fleet. As with the tower listing, a total tonne-metre rating of a company's fleet better reflects the fleet's capability. The figure is calculated by the crane owning companies. The IC50 Index will be updated in early 2007. If you think your company should be included please contact IC for an application form. * IC estimate
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