RF System acquired by Kinshofer
06 December 2011
German attachment supplier Kinshofer has acquired the Swedish company RF System AB, a family business that began operations in 1978 and is headquartered in Vinslöv, southern Sweden. The terms of the deal have not been disclosed but Kinshofer has acquired 100% ownership of the company.
According to Kinshofer, the acquisition is significant in that it provides new product segments such as railway maintenance tools, quick couplers and buckets to the Kinshofer lines of attachments, and secondly opens a significant distribution channel for Kinshofer products, allowing it to be closer to its customers in Scandinavia, and in particular in Sweden.
RF System will continue to develop and sell its products worldwide, and additional staff will be recruited by both companies to ensure a rapid market launch of both companies products within both companies' individual sales organisations.
Kinshofer managing director Thomas Friedrich said of the deal: "Kinshofer continues its strategy to provide the industry with a "One-Stop-Shop" solution of outstandingly engineered products to increase efficiency and, more importantly, profitability of its customers."
Bo Andersson, founder of RF System commented: "The concentration of knowledge and competence will form a powerful centre for future developments customers can only benefit from. In particular the combination of both product ranges will create more ground-breaking innovations for the industry. We are very excited to be part of this mutual future."
Kinshofer's and RF System's employees are working on the rapid integration to provide customers worldwide with their comprehensive range of products and services. Kinshofer is very pleased that both Bo Andersson and Marcus Olofsson, RF System managing director, will remain in their positions and will play a major role in the organisation.