SHL orders Bronto at Bauma
23 April 2013
Swedish rental company Stockholms Höjdliftar (SHL) has ordered a Bronto Skylift S 65 XR truck mount.
The 65 m working height S 65 XR was one of two new prototype truck mounts on the manufacturer's stand at Bauma. The other one was the 56 m S 56 XR model.
According to Bronto, SHL chose the model for its 37 m outreach. Other features include a 15 m up and over capability, 700 kg safe working load, transport height of about 3.8 m, transport length of 12 m and a gross vehicle weight of 26 tonnes.
The vehicle is also road legal in the city of Stolkholm, where it will be used, without any permits.
The S 65 XR will be the company's fourth Bronto; they currently have a 35 m unit and two 53 m units.