SHL orders Bronto at Bauma

Premium Content

23 April 2013

SHL directors Micke Levin and Micko Laaksonen with Lars Hallberg of Bronto Sweden

SHL directors Micke Levin and Micko Laaksonen with Lars Hallberg of Bronto Sweden

Swedish rental company Stockholms Höjdliftar (SHL) has ordered a Bronto Skylift S 65 XR truck mount.

The 65 m working height S 65 XR was one of two new prototype truck mounts on the manufacturer's stand at Bauma. The other one was the 56 m S 56 XR model.

According to Bronto, SHL chose the model for its 37 m outreach. Other features include a 15 m up and over capability, 700 kg safe working load, transport height of about 3.8 m, transport length of 12 m and a gross vehicle weight of 26 tonnes.

The vehicle is also road legal in the city of Stolkholm, where it will be used, without any permits.

The S 65 XR will be the company's fourth Bronto; they currently have a 35 m unit and two 53 m units.

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