SPMT guide to be published in six more languages

Premium Content

19 July 2016

ESTA Best Practice Guidelines for SPMT

ESTA Best Practice Guidelines for SPMT

The Best Practice Guide for Self Propelled Modular Transporters, published in English by ESTA in April 2016, is being translated into six more languages.

ESTA is the European Association of Mobile Cranes and Specialized Transport. The SPMT best practice guide is intended to help operators use this equipment safely and efficiently. It is the first publication of its kind for this equipment type.

The new guide helps address the problem of trailers tipping over, even though existing operating rules and stability calculations have been precisely followed.

Translations into German and Polish have already been published. French, Danish and Spanish editions had almost been completed at the time of writing in mid-July, and work had started on an Italian edition.

The guide was created following growing concerns from the industry. ESTA set up a working group to produce the guide. It included representatives from leading members of the association and manufacturers and clients.

Topics covered include:

- lines of communication

- equipment capacity, maintenance and design

- design of the load

- load documentation and information

- operator and engineer training

- engineering a transport

- work environment.

For a free copy of the guide and for further information, see: www.estaeurope.eu

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