Technical training and education
04 September 2019
The ERA’s Technical Committee organises two rounds of face-to-face meetings a year.
The first one in 2019 took place in March, in the ERA’s offices in Brussels, and, for the first time, focused on one topic only, namely Telematics.
The format remained unchanged compared to the previous rounds of face-to-face meetings: the fleet managers of the rental company members of the Committee split into two or three groups and each group has 90-minute sessions with each OEM.
The second round of face-to-face meetings for this year, scheduled on 9 October, will focus again on one topic only. This time, the rental companies of the Technical Committee have decided to focus on technical training and education.
The rental companies expect from the OEMs that they offer trainings adapted to their technicians (those trainings could be either adapted from the existing ones or created specifically for the rental companies). To help them, they have worked on an example of check-in process. A selection of OEMs will be invited to participate.
If you are a rental company member of the ERA and you are interested in joining the Technical Committee and the face-to-face meetings, please do not hesitate to contact the ERA Secretariat, at