TS-516 - a new high capacity scalper introduced by IRock
21 September 2012
IRock's new two deck TS-516 high capacity scalper has been designed for use in primary crusher circuits for a wide range of materials, including C&D waste, iron ore, aggregates, coal, recycling and heavy rock, as well as clays and topsoil.
Claimed to be the largest screen its class size, it features an 8.4 m3 (297 ft3) hopper and a total screen area of 14.6 m2 (157 ft2) from its 4.9 m (16 ft) by 1.5 m (5 ft) top deck and 4.7 m (15.3 ft) by 1.5 m bottom deck. This allows three product sizes to be produced through the machine, with the decks being interchangeable to allow more control over end product sizes. The machine also features a 1.6 m (5.25 ft) oversize conveyor that allows it to accommodate higher tonnages and minimises blockages.
The machine is powered by a 96 kW (129 hp) Caterpillar C4.4 diesel and can process up to 570 tonnes per hour, depending on the material being processed. A rubber belt feeder comes as standard, with a Hardox apron feeder is available as an option, with remote control also provided as standard, with wireless remote control also an option.