Wide basket booms from Smart Platform Solutions
02 March 2017
The Netherlands-based Smart Platform Solutions has delivered a number of units with wide baskets over recent weeks.
It all started with a JLG 400S, equipped with a 4 m wide basket, and recently more JLG’s have followed: 860SJ, 1350SJP, 460SJ, along with Manitou 280TJ and 160ATJ+ units and a Haulotte HT23RTJ.
Besides the 4 m-wide platform, some models can also be equipped with a 5 m-wide platform. The machines have a safe working load varying from 230 kg to 270 kg, or two persons, for JLG and Haulotte models, to 270 kg to 320 kg (two or three persons) for the Manitou models.
All machines have almost the same working envelope as the unmodified lift, added the company, and are used in cleaning or installation work on large facades or sound barriers next to highways. In these cases operators can work quicker due to fewer movements to reposition the basket.