Wind speed clinches Yongmao deal with Virtanen Oy
11 April 2011
Virtanen Oy has acquired two Fushun Yongmao STT553 flat top tower cranes for work at the Tornio steel factory, Finland.
The cranes were sold by Jin Long Europe, the Chinese manufacturer's European importer. Virtanen Oy has rented the cranes to the Northern Lapland-based site for construction work.
They were chosen for the task instead of crawler cranes because they offer a better performance under the circumstances, according to Jin Long Europe - part of the Neremat group of companies.
The STT553 model can remain operational in wind speeds of up to 11 m/second and can lift 24 tonne beam sections into place in a one minute lifting and turning cycle. "Crawler cranes need a five to 10 minute cycle to lift the sections into place and are going out of operation at much lower wind speeds," said a company spokesman.
Virtanen Oy has also placed orders with the Neremat group for 16 more tower cranes, including models from Jin Long, Manitowoc Potain and Terex.