Workers go WalkAbout with Safety Net
21 March 2012
Safety Net Systems has introduced a new tension decking system designed to provide access to awkward or remote areas at height to the UK's construction industry.
The safety specialist has become an approved installer of the WalkAbout system from SpanSet. WalkAbout comprises a durable mesh membrane supported by a tensioned webbing matrix. The mesh membrane is attached to structures via bolts, beam clamps or slings.
As a WalkAbout approved installer, Safety Net Services is responsible for specifying suitable anchorages and panel layout for the application. The company also supplies site surveys or a review of design drawings to determine suitability, a design report that addresses loadings on the structure, and loading scenarios when the platform is in use.
A rigging team from Safety Net Services installs the system. This includes placement and verification of anchors, erection of the panels into position, and inspection and maintenance.