Z-Boom assists in church renovations
01 December 2013
Dansk Kirkekalk, which renovates and paints churches in Denmark, has acquired a new Falcon Spider FS320Z Z-boom lift from TCA Lift.
“Renovating churches places great demands on the technology used for reaching the height, and to get up, in and over obstacles. The big working radius of the Falcon saves a lot of time," said Dansk Kirkekalk's Henry Reinberg.
"Furthermore, it is necessary to protect the paths, which is ensured by the low ground pressure of the tracks. The individual setting of the outriggers makes it possible to set up the platform on uneven ground.”
The new Z-lift has a 32 m working height and 16 m outreach with a maximum capacity of 100 kg in the basket. The width in driving position is 1.1 m.