MEP calls for robust market surveillance

05 April 2018

Eu map

A robust legislative framework is needed for the new European Union market surveillance package, according to MEP Nicola Danti at a meeting with CECE (the Committee for European Construction Equipment).

CECE met MEP Danti to discuss the new market surveillance package, which is known as the Goods Package. The discussion focused on the EU Commission proposal on compliance and enforcement of Union harmonised legislation on products, which is expected to apply from 1 January, 2020.

Danti highlighted the need for a robust legislative framework and, considering the ambitious timing for the negotiations, he said he expected a swift approval of the proposal in both the Parliament and Council.

CECE shared the main concerns of the construction machinery sector with Danti. This included the urgent need for more efficient market surveillance co-ordination among Members States, and the involvement of stakeholders.

CECE secretary general Riccardo Viaggi said, “Manufacturers know their products and are the ones most interested in having a level playing field in the EU internal market.

“The easy arrival of non-compliant products and the lack of reactivity from Member States is nowadays a serious problem that weakens competition.”

It was felt that a harmonised risk assessment of products would save time and resources at national level, and should also be a priority for implementation.

The EU Internal Market Committee (IMCO) organised a public hearing on the Goods Package, including both initiatives on compliance and enforcement, and on mutual recognition of non-harmonised products.

The IMCO rapporteurs – Danti and fellow MEP Ivan Štefanec – participated at this meeting which covered major areas of the package.

Among the topics at the hearing, the speakers raised points such as the experiences of Member States with the administration in the current goods framework, and the practical challenges of products entering the EU from third countries. The business perspective was put through the views of lobbying group BusinessEurope, Orgalime (the European Engineering Industries Association) and Eurocommerce (which represents retailers and wholesalers). The impact on consumers was discussed, and there was a presentation on the SOLVIT system, which helps with citizens’ EU rights.

CECE said it would continue to follow up developments of the Goods Package closely to ensure that construction equipment concerns were properly considered.

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