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25 April 2008
BAS Kraner, based in Odense, Denmark, has taken delivery of a Spierings SK599-AT5 mobile folding tower crane, whICh, the crane's manufacturer claims, is the first of its type in Scandinavia. Bo Schou, owner of BAS Kraner, said that this crane, with a 50 m jib and a maximum hook height of 56.3 m is ideal for work in the city of Odense and in Denmark's capital, Copenhagen. BAS (Bo Anker Schou) organised a demonstration day in Odense to mark the introduction of the Spierings crane. Pictured at the handover of the new crane are, on the left, Bob Bruijsten from Spierings Cranes, and Bo Schou, owner of BAS Kraner.
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